Earn Money Online: Top 5 Awesome Link Shortener That Pays

Top 5 Awesome Url Shortener sites

url shortener

Best url shorteners for 2023

Guys, there are a lot of us who wish to have a part time job that pays them even if they are not working. Some of them already found out how to do it.

But, some of us don't even know it yet about how to earn money even if you are not working. It is easy. Because, in today's article, I am going to tell you how you can earn money online without any effort. So, let's get started.

Guys, today's article is about how you can earn money online without any effort. There are many ways to earn money online. Like: using Google Adsense, Adsense alternatives, freelancing, Using short url etc.

So, today I am going to tell you about how to earn money online using url shortener or, link shortener or, short link. So, let us get started.

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List of 5 best url shortener:

1. Adcorto.com
3. Urlshortx.com
5. Shorte.st
6. Shrinkme.io
8. Ouo.io

What is a url shortener

Guys, a url shortener means a free or, paid website that can make any long url short. For example, if you visit cutt.ly, bitly.com or, rebrandly url shortener or, any other free custom url shortener, facebook url shortener or, a branded url shortener you can shorten your long url.

This is not the only part. Because, these url shortener sites also lets you to add your custom domain. For example, url.sifatblogger.cyou if you have a custom domain. You can get a free domain for a year from freenom if you want to use a custom domain. 

But, it is not necessary. Because, these url shortener sites gives you a short url instead of your long url.

How to earn using url shortener sites

Guys, these are some of the top url shortener that pays a lot. These url shortener sites advertise so that you and the site can earn easily. Most of the sites pay high CPM

Which means, if you can get 1000 visitors for your shortened link, then you can get payed instantly. You can withdraw your earned money through BITCOIN, CRYPTOCURRENCY, BANK TRANSFER, PAYPAL and sometimes PAYONEER

Ther are also many other options. So, you don't beed to worry about anything. Now, let us move towards our url shortener or, link shortener sites that pays the most.

Best url shortener for instagram

Guys, instagram is a great social platform. If you have enough followers, you can even earn through them by using some url shorteners.

The best url shortener for sharing in instagram is shrinkme.io. Both Facebook and Instagram accept this url shortener for sharing any kind of shortened url that contains ads.

You can use shrinkme.io to earn money from sharing links to your sicial websites. You can join Shrinkme.io using the following link:

Adcorto.com review: high paying url shortener

adcorto.com review

Guys, adcorto is a good url shortener that gives you an average CPM of $3.5. Which means, you can get $3.5 per thousand visitors or, viewers.

I have at least $3.5 CPM everyday. Sometimes, it becomes higher than $3.5 if you have visitors from various kind of countries.

Guys, this url shortener site shows Google Adsense ads. That is why it gives you such high CPM. Otherwise, any other url shortener site would only give you a total CPM of $1.5

So, my friend, if you want to join Adcorto.com, then you can join through the following link.

Urlshortx review: High paying url shortener

urlshortx.com review

Guys,this url shortener site gives you a high CPM. Because, if you can manage to get at least 1000 visitors from the 3rd tier countries like Bangladesh, then your minimum CPM is at least $2.5

And if you have visitors from some 1st tier countries like Canada, United States, United Kingdom, then you can get a minimum of $15 CPM. These countries get the highest CPM. 

Which means, this url shortener will give you higher CPM than other sites if you have visitors from Canada, United States, United Kingdom. Even if you have visitors from other countries, you will still get a high revenue.

The reason is that, this website uses Google Adsense ads in it's shortened links. As you already know, there is a high value of Adsense, that is why, this site gives you such a good result.

Join Urlshortx now!

Shorte.st review: High paying url shortener

shorte.st review

Well, this site is well known because of it's giveaway.

Each and every user gets a free dollar at first for inspiration. So that, you can get inspired for making more and more short links.

I have earned a lot of dollars just by using shorte.st in my website. If you have a website and have some organic traffic, then you can easily earn through shorte.st if you want.

But, I would recommend that you do use it as it gives you high quality of ads even if you have traffic from 3rd tier or, 1st tier countries.

Join SHORTE.ST and earn your first $1

Shrinkme.io review: Best url shortener for beginners

how much does shrinkme.io pay per click

Now, this site is also an old and a trusted site. This url shortener site is popular to them who are new in the field of earning free money online.

The reason is not only the fact that, it gives you high CPM but also, it gives you $1 on a signup through Dhrublogger. So, can join through us, or any other person's affiliate link to get a free $1.

Now, let us talk about it's CPM. This link shortener site gives you a CPM of $22 on Greenland, $16 on Ireland, $7.5 on Belgium, $7 on United States & United Kingdom and so on.

The minimum CPM for this link shortener site is, $3.30 worldwide. So, it gives you a high CPM rate than other url shortener sites. The minimum payout of this site is at $5.

Join now and get $1 instantly

Ouo.io review: Best for website monetization

ouo.io review

Guys, this website has also been for many years. I had only 2 visitors. But, Istill earned $0.0042 for these 3 visitors. Now, there are also many high paying advertisers. So, you get to earn higher than I did.

But now, there are many ways to get much traffic or, visitors for your link. On another of my article or video, I will talk about it.

But, the best practice is to add a script to your site. This is only for them who have a site. If you don't have a website, you can still earn through short urls. So, don't worry.

At first, go to your ouo.io dashboard and then, click on the tools menu. You can see an option named Full page Script. Go there and you will see two scripts.

The first script is for them, who has a minimum of 100 links to their website. It will monetize them all. But, I wouldn't recommend you to install the script to your site if you don't have at least 100 links.

The second script is for them who wish to change every link to ouo.io on their website without stating exactly which domains. But, if you wish to exclude any domain, you can change that later. I will show you now how you will do it.

My script:

<script type="text/javascript">
var ouo_token = 'oS8g0QdF';
var exclude_domains = ['example.com', 'yoursite.com'];
<script src="//cdn.ouo.io/js/full-page-script.js"></script>

Now, you don't need to edit the part if you want that your visitors will visit every link through ouo.io.

But, if you want that, your visitors will not visit some links (like your domain or, if you have an internal linking) through ouo.io, then you need to edit this script.

Here you see there is written var exclude_domains. Then, you will change the domains. For example, I want to exclude all my links from my website.

I will type my domain www.sifatblogger.cyou instead of example.com. So, now my code will be like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var ouo_token = 'oS8g0QdF';
var exclude_domains = ['www.dhrublogger.cyou', 'kabbonime.cyou'];
<script src="//cdn.ouo.io/js/full-page-script.js"></script>

I hope you understood how to do it. If you have any questions, please comcomment down below and I will surely solve it.


How do I shorten a URL for free?

Ans: Use a url shortener website like: bitly or, cutly to shorten a url. It is absolutely free and you don't need to pay anything.

how much does shrinkme.io pay per click?

Ans: Shrinkme.io gives you a CPM of $22 on Greenland, $16 on Ireland, $7.5 on Belgium, $7 on United States & United Kingdom and so on.

What is the point of URL shorteners?

Ans: The point of url shorteners are to shorten a long url. For example, if your url is 115 characters pong and you use an url shortener, then you can get a short url rhat will be less than 50 characters.


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