how to get traffic to your website : Best Strategies to Drive Free Organic Traffic from Google in 2023 - Dhru Blogger

organic traffic

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In the digital landscape of 2023, securing a high-ranking position on Google's search engine results page (SERP) remains crucial for businesses and websites seeking to attract organic traffic. The strategies for achieving this, however, have evolved over time due to changes in Google's algorithms and user behaviors. In this article, we'll explore the most effective ways to harness free organic traffic from Google in 2023.

But guys, let us at first know why you need to get Organic traffic from Google search engine. Now, let's start our today's topic.

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Why is organic traffic important ?

Guys, nowadays, nobody wants inorganic traffic or, direct traffic for their site. Because, it impacts on different things of their site. 

Such as: Advertiser don't want inorganic traffic or, traffic from other sources. Because, advertisers cannot show the proper ads for the visitor. 

As a result, it impacts in loss of revenue for both the advertisers and publishers. Even Google Adsense sometimes ban publisher with more social traffic than organic traffic. 

But, most of the time, it is a temporary ban from Google Adsense. So, it is not a big thing to worry about. 

Another problem for direct traffic is that, if you are surfing other users to your sites, there is a chance that, some of the user might be a bot. 

So, some Ad networks or, Advertisers block the site from displaying any ads. So, this is a big issue for direct traffic. 

That is why, to avoid these types of issues, publishers or, website owners want to gain more organic traffic. But still, let me explain it to you in some points.

Organic traffic is crucial for a website for several compelling reasons:

  • 1. Cost-Effective: Unlike paid advertising, organic traffic doesn't require any direct payments for each click or impression and it is absolutely free. While it might involve some of your time in content creation, SEO efforts, and website optimization, the long-term benefits often outweigh the costs, making it a cost-effective way to attract visitors.

  • 2. Sustainability: Organic traffic provides a stable and sustainable flow of visitors to your website over time. Once your content starts ranking well on search engines, you can continue to receive traffic without constant financial investments, as long as your content remains relevant and valuable to your audience.

  • 3. Credibility and Trust: Websites that rank high organically are perceived as more trustworthy and credible by users as well as crawlers. Users tend to skip over ads and click on organic results because they view them as unbiased recommendations from the search engine, leading to higher click-through rates for your site.

  • 4. Higher Conversion Rates: Organic traffic often leads to higher conversion rates compared to paid traffic. This is because users who find your website through organic search are actively looking for the information, product, or service you offer them, making them more likely to engage on your website.

  • 5. Long-Term Results: Building organic traffic might take some time, but the results are often long-lasting and satisfying. Once you establish a strong online presence and authority within your niche, it becomes more difficult for competitors to rank in the same topic in search rankings.

  • 6. Reduced Dependence on Ads: Relying solely on paid advertising for website traffic can be risky due to changes in ad algorithms, competition, and rising costs. Organic traffic acts as a reliable backup, providing consistent visibility even if you face financial troubles.

  • 7. Branding and Visibility: Ranking high on search engines increases your brand's visibility as well as its exposure. Even if users don't click on your link immediately, repeated appearances in search results can reinforce your brand and encourage users to click on your website when they're ready. But most of the time, they click on sites ranking high.

  • 8. Ad Blocking: With the rise in ad-blocking tools and user preferences for ad-free experiences, organic traffic provides a way to reach audiences that actively avoid or ignore ads. This may lead in higher earning even without paid ads.

  • 9. Algorithm Changes and Ad Uncertainty: Search engine algorithms and advertising platforms can change, potentially affecting your paid strategies. Relying solely on paid advertising makes you vulnerable to these changes, whereas organic traffic provides a more stable traffic for your site.

How to get free organic Traffic from Google ?

Now, onto our main topic, how to drive organic Google Search traffic to your site. To do this, you must follow the given steps in order to get more and more traffic.

High-Quality and Relevant Content

Contents, specifically unique and targeted contents are the main thing in SEO. Crafting high-quality, valuable, and relevant content tailored to your target audience's needs is foundational. Google's algorithms prioritize content that addresses user intent, provides in-depth insights, and engages readers. Incorporate well-researched keywords naturally into your content to enhance its visibility in search results.

So, Google will never rank you if your site doesn't provide unique, better and relevant contents. Your article must be of such language that everyone irrespective of age may understand your content.

Featured Snippets Optimization

Featured snippets have become prominent in Google's SERPs. These snippets provide quick answers to user queries, making them a powerful source of organic traffic. Structure your content to answer common questions related to your niche, and format it for easy extraction by Google. Utilizing structured data and bullet points can enhance the chances of your content being featured.

There are a lot of snippet codes like FAQ, news, cooking, recipe, how to, video etc. You can add these snippets according to the relevance of your content.

Voice Search Optimization

With the rise of virtual assistants and smart speakers, voice search has gained traction. Optimize your content for long-tail conversational keywords that mirror how people speak. Focus on providing both concise and comprehensive answers to questions users might ask their devices.

Mobile-Friendly and Fast-Loading Pages

Mobile-friendliness and page loading speed are integral ranking factors in Google's algorithm. Make sure that your website is responsive and loads quickly for mobile devices. Compress images, minimize code, and leverage browser caching to boost loading speed, offering users a seamless experience regardless of the device they're using.

You can make an AMP site or, Accelerated Mobile Pages. Because, Google will preload your page when the visitor visits your site from Google search. This doesn't require a lot of time for visitors to load your site.

Video Content and YouTube SEO

YouTube is currently the second largest search engine. It is mainly a video platform. Yet, viewers search for a lot of things in youtube. So, you can make videos in YouTube and make sure you link your site in your videos. Even though this counts as a social traffic, you would still get organic traffic as Google counts traffic redirected from YouTube to be organic.

This may even help in your SEO and Google Search ranking.

User Experience and Dwell Time

Google emphasizes on user experience metrics like bounce rate and dwell time. A well-designed website with easy navigation, relevant internal links, and a clear call-to-action can keep users engaged longer. This positively influences your site's SEO by signaling to Google that your content is valuable and worth promoting.

Social Media Engagement

Social media signals indirectly impact SEO by driving traffic and increasing brand visibility. While social signals are not direct ranking factors, content that gets shared and linked to on social platforms often gains exposure and organic backlinks, both of which contribute to improved search rankings.

Local SEO and Google My Business

For businesses with a physical presence, optimizing for local SEO is essential. Create and verify your Google My Business listing, ensuring accurate and consistent information. Encourage reviews and ratings from satisfied customers, as positive feedback can enhance your local visibility.

Long-Form Comprehensive Guides

In-depth, long-form content that covers a topic comprehensively has proven to perform well in search rankings. Create ultimate guides, tutorials, or resource hubs that explains deep into a subject, offering valuable insights that keep users engaged and on your site longer.

This helps you in your ranking specially if you have more keyword density than your competitors.

Regular Content Updates

Google rewards freshness. So, regularly update your existing content with fresh information, statistics, or insights. Google often revisits and re-indexes updated content, potentially boosting its visibility and organic traffic.

As the digital landscape evolves, so do the strategies for acquiring free organic traffic from Google. By focusing on high-quality content, user experience, emerging technologies like voice search and video, and staying up-to-date with SEO best practices, you can position your website for success in 2023. Remember that the key to long-term success lies in consistently delivering value to your target audience while adapting to the ever-changing SEO landscape.


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